Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Messenger's Transmission

What is my goal with
"The Message" ???

Well, here is a brief background into "The Message". Since I wanted to bring this to the masses, my intentions is not to scare anyone. I want present to you a fictional story. A story about a man who was summoned by The Sun God, Serpent Kings and Eagle Kings to deliver a Message of Hope to us all.I felt this would be the best medium to get the collective consciousness to awaken closed minds. To prepare them for their own awaking.

A new tide is coming...we all must prepare. My goal is to try and tell my e-story through song, imagery, truth and writings. But to also communicate the most important message of all "We must all awake now!" The time has come for us to stop living on automatic pilot and through all of our energies into confessing "The Truth" exposing everything we have been lied about for Centuries.

Let the Journey Begin!

The Messenger's automatic writing session with God - Vol. #1

Definitions of psychotic have historically received a number of different definitions. The narrowest definition of psychotics restricted to delusions or prominent hallucinations with the hallucinations occurring in the absence of insight into their pathological nature. My son you have locked in your jail cell bears none of your medical symptoms. This cautionary statement is true. None of you know a thing about your mental health issues. It is all things that I have planned. Unfortunately, the greed of the surface has made the spiritual beings of the surface have no choice than to be locked up in your cell blocks. These children will be set free. However, do not think about sinning again for I will judge you in my court in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Devil is loose in your world. You must figure out who is Satan and you will all have peace within yourself. Look for false prophets. George Bush is just a puppet of the Reptilian Army. Unfortunately, the true government has been suppressed but I will soon release The Messenger to deliver "The Message" to all mankind.

Just imagine playing life as a chessboard. How it works is, you weigh the pros and cons of each move. I can feel you want to relax and just kick back but there will be plenty of time for that when our journey begins to the Inner World. The Hollow Earth’s ice age will be over by 4016 and we can all take safe haven on the surface for a newer life or go to which ever planet we would like in the universe the choice is always yours my children. All the mythical stories are true. We want to connect and see that you too have the telepathy with Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot. They are just scouts from the Underworld and The Inner-Earth. They will comeback to send messages back from the surface. The trees speak the language of our ancestors. No wonder why you hit and killed a tree with your car on the day of possession. That tree could not communicate your story for you had killed it with your car. The bird’s listen they all speak - man just doesn’t listen all you do is talk talk talk! How can he be so bold to say that man is more powerful. When God is what is and always will be? Whatever you want call God’s energy is what controls the universe. Listen to my messages. When I say look to the core for your answers these people come in peace.

We love all that is and want you to be with us.

The Messenger’s First Transmission to Ursu | Evidence#1

I have experience a rare but well documented side-effect of this drug. It is called induced-mania, which in some instances can lead to very violent and in some cases dangerous criminal activity. I feel fortunate that no one was killed in the story I am about to tell you. This past February 2002 I started to show affects of acute hyper-mania when I was having sensations of God-like experiences and a sense of feeling the best I had felt in years. Both my psychiatrist and my primary care physician had felt that since I was taking such a high dosage of Paxil 40mg that it was the probable cause of my manic experiences. They had both discussed bringing my Paxil intake to 20mg, which I immediately started the week that had changed my life for the worse. I started suffering from weird experiences that I had never felt before.

Tremors and depression started to hit fast and I started to hear voices within my head. These are voices I thought I was hearing were like scratching in my head. I interpreted my thoughts along as demons and/or spirits. I was clearly loosing reality. In addition I had isolated myself within my home and was suffering from major insomnia but did not feel tired at all. I started studying abstract spiritual information, which became my reality.
I started doing things that I never would have done before in my life. I felt as though my psychosis reality was for real. That everything I thought I was hearing within my head. These scratching sounds were leading me towards a violent rage. I was truly not my
fun loving and outgoing self.

The information of violence was noted in a police report filed by the Lanely Community College Security Staff. I didn't understand what was happening to me so I got in my car and started driving recklessly throughout the parking lots of my college almost hitting two pedestrians that were walking through the parking lot. I headed north on I-5 towards a shopping mall and thinking I was some sort of race car driver in my head. The scratching sounds were getting more intense and I was interpreting them as spirits talking to me. When I finally arrived at the shopping mall I was driving my car recklessly again whipping my car in circles and finally hitting a tree, which lead to having one wheel completely fly off. I was now in a complete psychosis and an altered state of reality screaming that aliens and the devil were after me.

I can’t write anymore…..

Transmission terminated.

More to come....

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