Hello and welcome to “The Message” my name is Don Adams and I the founder of this interactive multimedia Magazine made for Light workers throughout this world to help educate and give you a tool to help others awaken before there year 2012. A brand new horizon has started to form and I thank you for joining me on this adventure. Over the next couple hours we will explore many different subjects.
I would like to give you a bit of History about me before we move any further so that you can better understand how I have been awakened. In 2001 right after 9/11 my body went through an intense shift. I realized that the gifts that my grandmother had taught me many years ago could be useful in understanding the tragedies that had just taken place in the United States and throughout the world.
I decided to relearn a special gift that my grandmother had taught me as a young boy this gift was call “Ghost Writing” or otherwise known as Automatic writing.
“Through a series of automatic writing sessions, I have been able to channel spirits from beyond the realm of what we would call present day reality; however, this message I relay is that of the Almighty God. Some may consider my comments, others will embrace this message with open arms, some will pass this all off as crazy fantasy, and the rest of you will just deem me psychotic.
I am the messenger and I have once again started channeling with my spiritual guides of the ancient world of Lemuria. I have been channeling these spirits my whole life and not even know it; in fact, everyone has this ability if they just believe in what the spirit world is saying to them through their inner-voice. Look within yourself to find the answers.
The Devil is loose in your world. Look for false prophets. The government suppresses all of which needs to be known to mankind, placing it deep in the caverns that world cannot receive it. We need to listen to our inner selves. Have love fill our souls now, or we will be doomed forever. I would like for you to think about something in the back of your mind right now.
If you were giving a choice to go down a path that would give eternal bliss or continue to live my life on “autopilot” and surrender to life as it is.
Which one would you take?
The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?
Not a very easier answer is it?
The reason is you are shackled from your mind and your creativity to produce an alternate reality is sitting there dormant. Some say, “You just got to live with it!”
But, that is what they want you to think. You can create your own reality of happiness and wonderment. A world where you and everyone has everything they could ever need; A Brave New World!
This “Brave New World” is emerging from its shackles and.; we are tired of all the sadness and poverty on this planet. We promise you we will bring you the riches, happiness and prosperity that everyone rightfully deserves.
The following Message I am about to release to you may cause you to become skeptical and may even conflict with your own personal belief systems associated with many types of religions.
You may or may not find this information found within your local libraries or history books.
But this is the fact of the matter that if you have been called.
That is you are a true light worker.
The truth and falsity of the following is an insignificant issue. Because deep within your mind whether or not you first realize; you already know everything that I am about ready to tell you and I am just simply reminding you of the things you have come free to accomplish as you explore your mission here on earth as a light breeder.
Those things you elect to forget as part of the promise to experience life as a human. To overcome and lead as an example; to experience life as a human so that the race of mankind may regain itself once again and what has been stolen for humanity over 50,000 years ago.
If you have listened to my message so far and have not been tempted to go elsewhere and listen to some stupid mass media broadcast or clutter your mind with insignificant internet clutter which takes you further away from the truth. I welcome you fellow Light worker and hope that you will stick around for this entire transmission.
I would like to give you a bit of History about me before we move any further so that you can better understand how I have been awakened. In 2001 right after 9/11 my body went through an intense shift. I realized that the gifts that my grandmother had taught me many years ago could be useful in understanding the tragedies that had just taken place in the United States and throughout the world.
I decided to relearn a special gift that my grandmother had taught me as a young boy this gift was call “Ghost Writing” or otherwise known as Automatic writing.
“Through a series of automatic writing sessions, I have been able to channel spirits from beyond the realm of what we would call present day reality; however, this message I relay is that of the Almighty God. Some may consider my comments, others will embrace this message with open arms, some will pass this all off as crazy fantasy, and the rest of you will just deem me psychotic.
I am the messenger and I have once again started channeling with my spiritual guides of the ancient world of Lemuria. I have been channeling these spirits my whole life and not even know it; in fact, everyone has this ability if they just believe in what the spirit world is saying to them through their inner-voice. Look within yourself to find the answers.
The Devil is loose in your world. Look for false prophets. The government suppresses all of which needs to be known to mankind, placing it deep in the caverns that world cannot receive it. We need to listen to our inner selves. Have love fill our souls now, or we will be doomed forever. I would like for you to think about something in the back of your mind right now.
If you were giving a choice to go down a path that would give eternal bliss or continue to live my life on “autopilot” and surrender to life as it is.
Which one would you take?
The Red Pill or the Blue Pill?
Not a very easier answer is it?
The reason is you are shackled from your mind and your creativity to produce an alternate reality is sitting there dormant. Some say, “You just got to live with it!”
But, that is what they want you to think. You can create your own reality of happiness and wonderment. A world where you and everyone has everything they could ever need; A Brave New World!
This “Brave New World” is emerging from its shackles and.; we are tired of all the sadness and poverty on this planet. We promise you we will bring you the riches, happiness and prosperity that everyone rightfully deserves.
The following Message I am about to release to you may cause you to become skeptical and may even conflict with your own personal belief systems associated with many types of religions.
You may or may not find this information found within your local libraries or history books.
But this is the fact of the matter that if you have been called.
That is you are a true light worker.
The truth and falsity of the following is an insignificant issue. Because deep within your mind whether or not you first realize; you already know everything that I am about ready to tell you and I am just simply reminding you of the things you have come free to accomplish as you explore your mission here on earth as a light breeder.
Those things you elect to forget as part of the promise to experience life as a human. To overcome and lead as an example; to experience life as a human so that the race of mankind may regain itself once again and what has been stolen for humanity over 50,000 years ago.
If you have listened to my message so far and have not been tempted to go elsewhere and listen to some stupid mass media broadcast or clutter your mind with insignificant internet clutter which takes you further away from the truth. I welcome you fellow Light worker and hope that you will stick around for this entire transmission.
What is a Light worker you ask??
Well, in the broadest sense, a LightWorker is anyone on Earth who is truly committed in his or her heart to helping others awaken to Love. Love makes life "lighter." We "shed light" on dark situations with Love. Our hearts open in Love. We then make possible the connection with our SoulMates, which in turn brings more Love.
Though the word "LightWorker" is often identified with the New Age thinking, LightWorkers are everywhere - in every religion, in every walk of life. Many of them would not describe themselves in any special way. Love knows no boundaries, no definitions.
Many of us have experienced or are experiencing physical difficulties, suffering, hardships that we have not been able to explain. The Message says: "Only the commitment of the LightWorkers, of the pure and loving of heart, to use their lives, their bodies, hearts and Will in service of humanity's transformation will create the bridge that will bring everyone through." Every energy is embodied in a physical manifestation here on Earth or in any part of Creation. Only by embodying darkness for those who do not have the consciousness to acknowledge their own choices can every brother and sister turn back toward the Creator. This is the gift that the LightWorkers have given.
"Let Me speak to you, beloved ones, about the light --the light that is the movement of My omnipresent Love -- the light that is magnificent as it sweeps throughout the All I Am and washes every life in purity and grace. This light is the essence of the Twin Flame LoveMaking, for it is the light that is emitted in the great orgasmic Now. So, in the Real, dear ones, when this light comes through you, it moves you into the glorious movement of Love with your Twin Flame "So I ask you now to live this light, to love it and to see it as best you can, as it becomes free to amplify your heart. You will see, as you deeply observe through the organ of perception that is your heart, that everything in the natural world purely reflects this gold-white light to you. Then you see your heart! Nothing can ever be the same again... "You have understood that 'Heaven on Earth' means to bring the light to Earth that it may express as the symbols of this world. It may express as beauty and as financial plenty and as sharing, giving, and respect. It may express as giving Love to others and seeing it multiply. It will express by becoming embedded in the symbols here of a shared world, and then be lifted slowly into pure light as everyone is ready."
I would like to dedicated this board to my:
Brother; Gary Voss
Tap-Ten Research Project and "The Ranch"
Grandfather; Captain Lyle Gillson
Captain of St. Paul Police Department 1950 - 1970
TECH 5; United States Army: World War II
5 Star General Private Chauffeur
The Jogger
Life 1904 - 1981
Just like Grandma said "You were the best Mother a boy could ever have"
You are truly missed, but I have your guidance in my heart
Grandmother; Frances Gillson
Head Matron Ramsey County Sheriff's Department 1960 - 1981
Life - 1918 - Present
4th stage of dementia
I miss you Gramma; your mind is just trapped right now. It will be ok.
Spirtual Guide - Brady Ackland
Friends - 1984 - Present
Life 1969 - 1995
May your spirit ride the waves! My true brother!
An On-Going Investigation
into the Current State of Our Own Faith
What is "The Message" you ask? Well I will try to explain it to you the best I possibly can.
"The Message" is based on the psychological principals of Dr. Carl Jung and the Collective Unconsciousness which has been the inspiration for "The Message". I hope to ascend us forward to a Collective Consciousness; A Christ Consciousness you may say.
By taking you on a thought-provoking journey through different levels of dimension. I hope that you will explore what ever your path is to GOD. My assention just happens to be through my good friend "Jesus Christ"; however "The Message" believes in the unity of "one". So, you are more than welcome to hang out over here at "The Message" anytime you would like.
I will combine video, music, and story to open up your mind and assend you into another dimension. I will explore everything we can possibly know about our religion,history, politics, our faith, and so much more. There is nothing that I will not explore because, you must enter the dark areas of life if you want to go depper into the light. That is why I call this an On-Going Investigation into the Current State of Our Own Faith.
We here at "The Message" are committed to finding the truth about our history and our heritage that spans back over 50,000 years; to the times of Atlantis and Lumeria; which believed solely in a Universal Religion.
I hope that with the help of all you throughout the world, "The Message" will stand the test of time. This is a place for you to come for deep thought and take a journey unlike anywhere you have experienced before.
You can act like a kid in a candy store and allow you imagination to take flight. I myself have found my inner-child through the inspiration of my guradian angel; Fajuja. The imagery, videos, music, and storyline are the visions that I have inside my head and I want to share them with all of you.
Now, this is a commitment on both parts. I have created it, but you have to do your work your way through it and research "The Message" as well. Watch all the videos, make a daily commitment to absorb the material, listen to the music, and just open your mind. This will allow you to make your own assumptions of what I am trying to say to you.
There are so many journeys that "The Message" will take your sub-conscious mind, and pull it forward so that you can rightfully communicate with GOD.
I thank you so much for stopping by "The Message" and I hope to get to know you even further through emails and comments you place on this board.
-Don Adams
Well, in the broadest sense, a LightWorker is anyone on Earth who is truly committed in his or her heart to helping others awaken to Love. Love makes life "lighter." We "shed light" on dark situations with Love. Our hearts open in Love. We then make possible the connection with our SoulMates, which in turn brings more Love.
Though the word "LightWorker" is often identified with the New Age thinking, LightWorkers are everywhere - in every religion, in every walk of life. Many of them would not describe themselves in any special way. Love knows no boundaries, no definitions.
Many of us have experienced or are experiencing physical difficulties, suffering, hardships that we have not been able to explain. The Message says: "Only the commitment of the LightWorkers, of the pure and loving of heart, to use their lives, their bodies, hearts and Will in service of humanity's transformation will create the bridge that will bring everyone through." Every energy is embodied in a physical manifestation here on Earth or in any part of Creation. Only by embodying darkness for those who do not have the consciousness to acknowledge their own choices can every brother and sister turn back toward the Creator. This is the gift that the LightWorkers have given.
"Let Me speak to you, beloved ones, about the light --the light that is the movement of My omnipresent Love -- the light that is magnificent as it sweeps throughout the All I Am and washes every life in purity and grace. This light is the essence of the Twin Flame LoveMaking, for it is the light that is emitted in the great orgasmic Now. So, in the Real, dear ones, when this light comes through you, it moves you into the glorious movement of Love with your Twin Flame "So I ask you now to live this light, to love it and to see it as best you can, as it becomes free to amplify your heart. You will see, as you deeply observe through the organ of perception that is your heart, that everything in the natural world purely reflects this gold-white light to you. Then you see your heart! Nothing can ever be the same again... "You have understood that 'Heaven on Earth' means to bring the light to Earth that it may express as the symbols of this world. It may express as beauty and as financial plenty and as sharing, giving, and respect. It may express as giving Love to others and seeing it multiply. It will express by becoming embedded in the symbols here of a shared world, and then be lifted slowly into pure light as everyone is ready."
I would like to dedicated this board to my:
Brother; Gary Voss
Tap-Ten Research Project and "The Ranch"
Grandfather; Captain Lyle Gillson
Captain of St. Paul Police Department 1950 - 1970
TECH 5; United States Army: World War II
5 Star General Private Chauffeur
The Jogger
Life 1904 - 1981
Just like Grandma said "You were the best Mother a boy could ever have"
You are truly missed, but I have your guidance in my heart
Grandmother; Frances Gillson
Head Matron Ramsey County Sheriff's Department 1960 - 1981
Life - 1918 - Present
4th stage of dementia
I miss you Gramma; your mind is just trapped right now. It will be ok.
Spirtual Guide - Brady Ackland
Friends - 1984 - Present
Life 1969 - 1995
May your spirit ride the waves! My true brother!
An On-Going Investigation
into the Current State of Our Own Faith
What is "The Message" you ask? Well I will try to explain it to you the best I possibly can.
"The Message" is based on the psychological principals of Dr. Carl Jung and the Collective Unconsciousness which has been the inspiration for "The Message". I hope to ascend us forward to a Collective Consciousness; A Christ Consciousness you may say.
By taking you on a thought-provoking journey through different levels of dimension. I hope that you will explore what ever your path is to GOD. My assention just happens to be through my good friend "Jesus Christ"; however "The Message" believes in the unity of "one". So, you are more than welcome to hang out over here at "The Message" anytime you would like.
I will combine video, music, and story to open up your mind and assend you into another dimension. I will explore everything we can possibly know about our religion,history, politics, our faith, and so much more. There is nothing that I will not explore because, you must enter the dark areas of life if you want to go depper into the light. That is why I call this an On-Going Investigation into the Current State of Our Own Faith.
We here at "The Message" are committed to finding the truth about our history and our heritage that spans back over 50,000 years; to the times of Atlantis and Lumeria; which believed solely in a Universal Religion.
I hope that with the help of all you throughout the world, "The Message" will stand the test of time. This is a place for you to come for deep thought and take a journey unlike anywhere you have experienced before.
You can act like a kid in a candy store and allow you imagination to take flight. I myself have found my inner-child through the inspiration of my guradian angel; Fajuja. The imagery, videos, music, and storyline are the visions that I have inside my head and I want to share them with all of you.
Now, this is a commitment on both parts. I have created it, but you have to do your work your way through it and research "The Message" as well. Watch all the videos, make a daily commitment to absorb the material, listen to the music, and just open your mind. This will allow you to make your own assumptions of what I am trying to say to you.
There are so many journeys that "The Message" will take your sub-conscious mind, and pull it forward so that you can rightfully communicate with GOD.
I thank you so much for stopping by "The Message" and I hope to get to know you even further through emails and comments you place on this board.
-Don Adams
Please remember if you would like to read additional archives you can either pan up and hit the archive area on the side bar or you can simply click on "Older Posts" right above you and it will take you to the previous blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for visiting "The Message" - Don Adams