Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Letter to GOD from The Messenger

Hello Message followers and new Starseeds of the Light,

Throughout this Blog series I have added information from the makings of my E-Book entitled "The Message". The following is a letter written to GOD from Donny "The Messenger" who has been struggling with his own spirituality and his closeness with GOD. Over the next several months every blog that I write will have a new passage from my book in progress. I hope that you will take the time to read this while you enjoy the many sounds of "The Message" broadcast that will always be seated above. From time to time I will also be adding new information to the play list so be on the look out for the NEW symbol next to the track numbers on the MP3 player above.

I again want to thank you for having an interest in my blog series and make sure that you check out additional archives throughout "The Message" Blog : An Investigation into the State of our own Faith and feel free to subscribe to this blog and become a faithful follower by simply pressing on the subscribe button on the side tool bar. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and please feel free to leave any comments and/or suggestions on topics that you may wish for me to cover.



A Passage from the E-Book

"The Message"

An Investigation into the State of our own Faith

Dear God,

I wanted to thank you for sending me your address today. I kind of need a friend. I have been struggling for many years to become an actor and voice over artist but I seem to be getting busted down every chance I get.I am a follower of Christ and also a man of God; however, I believe that there should be no divisions and we must look past our divisions as a society. I wrestle with this every day and I am looking for peace and harmony in this world.

If that means I have to lose everything that I ever needed in life to do so, I will. Man-kind deserves the most glorious high. I have been having a bad day chasing my own demons away but I am looking for help and guidance from all of my friends to get me through these weathered times. Even though they don't come over or do many things that real friends do I still love them from the bottom of my heart. I love the world as a whole and wish we could just end this violence and be done with it all. I know I am ranting but it needs to be done. The wars of this earth need to stop NOW! Or, there will be no peace and the powers that stole our souls will be in power for the rest of days. We don't have much time hence I believe that you are coming soon.

I could care less if I had money, power, fame, glory, or anything like that. I would rather snuggle up on my couch with the woman I love and watch a movie if this world could be harmonious. I pray every day that this will happen and I truly mean this.

My light is for one thing in this world and that is for the yearning for love and compassion. You seem like a compassionate GOD that also loves his children. I see you that you have written some sort of book with your image. It is quite impressive and would be interested in reading it someday.

We just have so much to do us Light workers! We need to go down the right path and save the world from doom. I hope that I can do my part in doing this. Something draws me near to you and I come with caution since I don't know you well; however, the feeling is very right. I feel it in the bottom of my groins. I just want to be released from all of this! I want my soul back so that I can live in peace and happiness for all man-kind!

You asked me to tell you more about me well, I am broke, have no job, currently on disability for mental health conditions and using the system to just get by day to day not to mention I am suffering too. Now of course I am no were near what others are suffering on this planet but we all should have the opportunity to live life to its fullest. The power in the universe is drawing me closer to you and I feel it. I hope that the choice I am making for humanity is the right one.

I know that I will be locked in a jail cell and put away in a mental ward if I don't. I have many writings that I have done over the years. I had a severe nervous break-down about 8 years ago where I lost my mind. I thought Satan and Aliens where after me and was locked up for well over a month and beaten down by prison guards because I would not comply too their rules. I only wanted to feel the spirit from within me but I fed into there lies and crucified myself.

I have continued to feed into those lies and still am struggling with it today. I am this close to suicide but how will that help man-kind? It won't!

Below are some of my websites and my life's work that has never gotten an opportunity to get the correct financing or time to put into it correctly. There is much here and will take some time to absorb but I pray you will take the time because you asked me to share things about myself.


Below are my music sites! If you enjoy music hopefully you will enjoy mine.


My friend Brady who I loved dearly was the turning point in my life. He hung himself because of mental disorders and I don't wish to end up like my friend. This is a pressing issue because I don't wish to be part of a world filled with hatred and greed. This is why my friend Brady took his life he could not handle it any longer.

I have been led down many bad roads and was greedy; as well using drugs, stealing, lying to my own family so that I could just survive. I did everything that was bad and I was a bad person. But that was not my fault of being a sinner but I know that I am forgiven by the power of Jesus Christ as my Savior.

It is not all about religion now days we need to have a universal truth that there are many pathways to you; GOD. That just because we are different does not mean that we should be divided. This starts wars,LIES, deception, and greed.I would hope that you too would also have compassion for man-kind and be willing to give it all up for LOVE and ONE WORLD peace.

A friend of mine that I meant today gave me some powerful words when I asked him. "Are you at peace?" he simply replied to me "I am in peace". This is a wonderful place to be and I wish I could be there with him. Leave all the garbage at the backdoor and live for life and breathe every piece of it into me. I feel GOD working through me and this is what is right! It seems as though you are a part of a nice network of people.

I believe that you are also trying to find a center to peace as well as much as I am. We will get there steady as it goes my dear friend. We can only love one another and try everything and I mean everything to make our hatred go away for one another. We should just be merry and filled with LOVE! What other way is there?

If this is what you intended us to be then you need to try something different because this is not working. The people of Israel and Palestine are dying over what?

Money? Greed? Power? Oil?

If this is the true path to happiness please send me to hell right now because it must be a better place than here for damn sure. I am sick of being scared where my next meal is going to come from. I am sick of being labeled as a mentally ill person. I am sick of being fat! I am sick of it all! It makes me want to puke. I am in pain as well!!! Please help me! All of my friends that are reading this please help me I am dying slowly everyday! You all have your families, bars, friends, family, and significant others! I have nothing but myself. But don't have pity for me just embrace me once again as your friend!

I want to be release from my shackles that tie me down too.

The spirits, demons, devil or whatever negative energy is around me I cast you out of me. I cast you out and no one else but me can do it!

I know this is quite deep and maybe even a little hard to swallow. But this is a fact and if you had any compassion for me you would help me escape this prison too. You are a wonderful light and filled with energy and joy but I need your help too. You are my friend GOD and friends help one another. I would help you if you were in the same boat because I love you more than anything in this world or any other.

I am so honored to have met you finally. I have been searching for you for a long time. The light that resonates from you is so incredible and remarkable and I love you dearly my dear friend. I know you must as well or you would not wish to hear what I had to say.

Finding that calm inner peace within oneself is very hard to do and I am not saying that I am there but I am getting there with the help and energy from everyone I touch or think of because I deeply love them more that anything in the universe and beyond. Nothing can stop the spread of love and as a warrior for it I stand by my case. We need to rid this world of all of its problems and start new. Start fresh and think of a real solid game plan for the future.

I am struggling with money right now but I am releasing it for the world to have joy and love once again. However, I would rather be dirt poor and know that I have love in my life because the beautiful thing about it is just that. LOVE is my soul currency! I can't write a bad check on that! There are many different layers to me I recently found out that I am of mason blood but it doesn't matter. All of this is blah compared to the task at hand. We as a society need to band together and release our own souls of all this damage and demand GOD to make true positive change.

This is LAW! God, I know that you love all of us and you wants nothing but love for each and every one of your children on this planet. I know that I am writing a lot and much to absorb so I will let this go for right now. I hope you will put me in your prayers of love tonight and cradle me. I don't know if you are GOD or if you are just another illusion in my mind.

But please whatever you are please help me escape this rapture. Take me and all lovers of ONE away tonight and make this world a better place to live in. I don't know if you have that power but something says to me you do. I feel warm compassion from you my brother. I hope that I have touched you heart and we shall speak again I hope.

You can always feel free to call me too; 651-815-3827. Feel free to call me Donny when you call.

If I don't hear back from you I will keep you cradled in my arms and send you Reiki healing to rid your soul of any badness around you. You are special in my heart and I hope we can be very dear friends in the future. Whatever you do in life please make it because you love your fellow man-kind.

If you could do me a favor and scream out three times for me:

Fajuja Fajuja Fajuja

This will give the Reiki healing for the world to heal and also send out my Reiki Master to come and heal me in my home tonight as I sleep. Wishing someone would call to make me know the world is going to be alright.

I am going back to my everyday life tomorrow and hope that this message hits you to your core of your being and you will also take a look at my other stuff and get it in the hands that can do something with it. I have a message to tell. It might not be what people want to hear but it needs to be done.

I have noticed that you have friends in the entertainment industry. You will help me get this message out of love or you are just as greedy as the rest of them. Use it for man-kind! I will be right by your side supporting you in anyway shape or form that I can if you would like. Recruit me to be your Ambassador and I will spread this word of love like a virus! I will do what it takes! Give up every personal item that I have and come only in my jeans and shirt!

Let's get to work!

If what you read and listen to means anything to you and you hear something that is all about love then please help me! I am so sad right now for myself but I don't pity myself because I do have one thing and that is love in my heart for all humanity.

I will have to keep reminding me of this in these troubled times. But I feel you reaching out to me tonight is the catalyst that needs to be done and allow me to vent my deepest passions. You seem to have passions and surround yourself with passionate people who speak of the true power of LOVE.

Peace love and happiness to you by Dearest friend. I hope I have been able to touch your heart.


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