Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Message Global Broadcast Premier

Over the next couple hours I will be exploring many things through wonderful music created by fellow workers of the light.

Allow yourself to wander deeply into the rhythmic sounds that you are experiencing. I am just planting the seed of remembrance because the time has come to awake your sub consciousness from your pre-existent self inhibited dormant sleep.

Call out to yourself three times Fajuja, Fajuja, Fajuja for my Reiki healer will come to you in your sleep and heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon your soul. Life after Life throughout time and space Fajuja will help you heal yourself and help heal the world.

You must realize that each one of us has a deeper connection that we could have ever imagined. The connection of just one thought in which we all share and that all matter truly exists through what began first; internal love. This has been continually denied from us because of a few parasitic beings whose existence lies beyond the 4th dimension.

These beings are so deep and dark in their ways that the laws of polarity dictates that the very existence of these monstrosities is entirely dependent and departmental upon exploiting our planet because they are incapable of producing this light force for themselves so they feed off of our energies and this must stop now!

These light killers are so addicted to absorbing the life force of others they will lie, cheat, and make false promise to ensure that they will always be able to feed on us because if they cannot feed they will surely just die.

Let me inform you that throughout time these (let’s call the monsters) have made secret deals, promising a minority of people power over others. People like the Rothschild’s group, The Bush’s, Queen Elizabeth, The Vatican the list goes on and on.

And the only thing this minority must do for them is to cause people to become afraid. Cause people to feel fear because when people fear they can be controlled by dark forces and become enslaved by them.

Now what you just heard could be fact or could be fiction but this is what I am trying to say to you if ignore fear and have light fill your world there is nothing you can’t do. Take a look deeper into history and research the cultures and religions that justify human sacrifice in which their so called GOD’s told them that it was necessary in order for the running of the universe. Take a real close look and study the ancient cultures of the Mayans and the Aztecs.

What I am saying to you is quite simple that these Gods are not really Gods at all and they never will be Gods. They might demand that you worship them but I tell you that you do not owe them that penance. You are free!

Please pay close attention to any authority figure that supports or demands from a position of fear and power these people should not be trusted in any shape or form. These same beings; even though he had authority over them, demanded Jesus Christ the anointed Light worker while he was in the desert to worship them.

And in return they would offer him power and a Kingdom. Jesus denied them this and refused their request and allowed himself to be captured and crucified for all to see. By corrupting the word of God, Jesus knew that these monsters could only harm his body but would only make his spirit stronger.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate light worker who created a wonderful illusion for all humanity to see they just did not get the true meaning because of the same authorities that where responsible for the suffering of mankind and their allegiance to the dark forces for supporting the enslaving of people through corrupt government and false religions; Christianity.

Freedom and Salvation of man was what Jesus Christ was promising the world and this light is coming quite quickly and in the same exact way as Christ you have been given the same authority through God himself. With this same exact premise that no harm may ever come to you and in the end if indeed you do suffer such a fate. Please remember that it will only make your spirit stronger within the light of the universe.

This is simple law because we are Light workers who work in the coming Morning Star. Isn’t if funny how Lucifer has been associated with Satan for so many years and the correct definition for Lucifer is Morning Star? Is this because these monsters want you to worship the wrong GOD?
The glorious and bright morning star where Venus with a shade of Indigo and the sun peaks upon the horizon and when darkness fights its hardest and summer conquers spring so will those of us who work solely in the ways of the light.

Love, compassion, and unity for all and triumph in conquest for those who have enslaved and have hurt for the sake of rewards of darkness; along with the rising waters that once covered the entire surface of this earth during the great flood.

These monsters will meet their end. So with the brightness of our coming destroy the elements with fire. Destroying all of these interdeminsional demons; along with all who have helped them in their quest for power, greed, war and corruption.

This in turn will redeem all of those who are lost and helpless because they have become victims, of false gods, religions, and governments that have been created to scare and frighten all of mankind into submission. Please look beyond these walls and find your inner light it is the only true way and that is to remember how to self love yourself and the doors will open to you more than you could ever imagine. Don’t give into the status quo it is not of the light and will truly lead you down the wrong side of the code.

I promise you that this will end and with the help of all of you listening right now, my fellow Light workers throughout this planet. We shall cast all of these demons into the depths of hell. We will heal this world of fear that has plagued mankind since the days of Lumaria and Atlantis. When we choose to follow in the darkness and keep the code from all of us we have submitted to the darkness and there can longer be any light. We must stand up and fight; God say it to be SO!

We must unite and tell everyone that we know that there is no such thing as fear and that it is all just an illusion and magic trick being played on your mind. We must show everyone once again the beautiful abundance of happiness can be brought to this world.
This would be a world filled with joy and happiness and that we have everything within our own being to live a life without fear, without worry, without thirst or hunger.

All of this is at our fingertips and that competition was never really necessary for survival. When you look deep inside yourself there really is just ONE thought:

That long ago GOD created all things in the universe that longs to experience life to the fullest; creating a world that functions for the benefit of man-kind and if mankind honestly understands love then and only then will this current world come to an end and begin a new with relearning how to just love one another once again.

I am hoping that these words have dug deep into your sub consciousness and I want to personally thank for assisting me in putting together this message for you today. Your inner mind has just begun to download the real Truth. Embrace it! Manifest it! And get this information out to everyone you know.

I am counting on you because the only reason for this broadcast is for you to share the message with others. I will also be including code that you can embed into your own web sites to have “The Message” with you at all times. Just look on the side bar of this blog for the Code box and just copy and paste it into your favorite website or Blog.

It is your duty as a Light worker to help carry out this mission; however, all you have to do is act and do not delay for the evil forces of this world are just steps away of controlling our planet and if we don’t do something radical now they will win! God has lifted his hand off this world and it is time for us Light workers to fulfill the contract that we made with God to have this human experience. Open your hearts and souls to the truth it is there for the taking. It is your right!

Please stay with us for the entire transmission I am going to take a break now and leave you with the musical sounds of Soulpath who without their mystical sounds I would have never been able to create “The Message” and I thank Steve Mitchell and Philip Gardiner for believing in me and sending me on this mission of the truth and enlightenment to others.
I am excited what the next 4 years will bring to our Light worker community and to others throughout the world as they awaken to the truth. I will be back in a few with a story for you; along with some music that I have created and covered and finally the original message broadcast that I produced on MySpace over two years ago. This is going to be a magical journey and I hope that you will enjoy it!
As mentioned in my E-book “The Message”

"The time to live on automatic pilot in your lives is over. Humanity has lived this way for thousand upon thousands of years. It has caused you all untold sufferings, sorrows, poverty, sickness; along with, all the social and economical problems. These issues have been plaguing your humanity for all times.

The time of your deliverance is upon you now. You, as a soul evolving on earth can be "liberated", but, only if you consciously choose to do so. It will not happened by continuing to live your life on an "automatic pilot" type consciousness. It will happen for you only if you embrace it now; The Christ Consciousness." - The Message

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